State of Michigan
Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians

Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity
About Us
The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc. is a 501c(3) sororal organization of American- Irish Catholic women. We have a 127 year history of service in the United States and provide support in Ireland and the North of Ireland. We are currently involved in all forms of social justice. Please feel free to review all our areas of interest.
LAOH Membership

Become a Member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Any woman over the age of 18 interested in becoming a member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians should review the qualifications for membership and complete an application for membership.

Become a Member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians
Any woman over the age of 18 interested in becoming a member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians should review the qualifications for membership and complete an application for membership.
The Degrees of our Order are an essential part of being a member of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians, Inc. Each member, when receiving the Degrees, is shown the grand history of the Irish people and Catholic faith, the importance of women in that history and is sworn to a solemn obligation that is taken as Degreed members. Every member wishing to advance in the leadership of this Order, as well as every member wishing for a deeper understanding of the Order, is encouraged to take Degrees as soon as possible after initiation or as soon as available. The importance of the Degrees cannot be put into words and must be experienced by each member to be fully understood.

“I would like an abundance of Peace.
I would like full vessels of Charity.
I would like rich treasures of Mercy.
I would like cheerfulness to preside over All”
~ St. Brigid of Ireland (453-523)

LAOH Catholic Action
LAOH Unity Prayer
LAOH Unity Prayer
We ask Your guidance to inspire us to offer Friendship as you did to all who cross our paths in life. We ask Your prayers to inspire us to offer the hand of Unity to all. We ask Your love to inspire us to give Christian Charity to all. We as members of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians seek to follow in Your path of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity. We ask that you bestow Your blessings upon us through Christ our Lord.


Thank You to all of the Charity sponsors, as usual the LAOH is very generous.
The Michigan LAOH Divisions support a wide variety of local charities and mission programs as well as the National organization’s support of the Columban Fathers and Sisters since 1935 and 2006 respectively.
As small sample of local charities supported by our members include, but not limited to, Mary’s Mantle, Pope Francis Center, Matrix Human Services, Right to Life and a host of others. We welcome your generous donations to the Michigan Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians to help us continue with our good works.
Each Division also has a Mission & Charities officer who will manage donations for the National LAOH Columban charities through the purchase of Mass and Greeting Cards. These donations collected help those that answered the call to mission and help facilitate their work across the world. It has been amazing to see the generosity throughout the years.