The Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians Inc. is a 501c(3) sororal organization of Irish American Catholic women. The State of Michigan LAOH was founded in 1969 and has grown to 9 Divisions across the state. The National organization was founded in 1894 and has a long history of promoting our Irish heritage and Roman Catholic faith and is now comprised of divisions in 30 states.
Our membership is comprised of women over the age of 18 that are of Irish decent or through marriage and belong to the Roman Catholic faith. In keeping with our motto of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity, our membership hosts and participates in a wide variety of Christian service acts and social activities that celebrate and foster a love of our Irish heritage. Members share their time and talents to support local projects, charities and direct assistance to all in need, especially the hungry, homeless and women and children.
Our activities aim to aid and support the aspirations and endeavors of the Irish people to achieve complete and absolute independence by fostering the ideals, perpetuate the history and traditions and promote the culture of the Irish people.
All this is achieved thru sponsoring the annual St. Brigid Scholarship Program, the annual Irish History Contest awarded at National History Day, Freedom for All Ireland charity donations and promoting March as Irish American Heritage Month.